Importing Files

SheetRocks supports the import of both .CSV and .XLSX file types. You can import a file into an existing workbook or create a new workbook with your imported file.

Import into an existing workbook

Files imported into an existing workbook will be added as new sheets.

1. Open an existing workbook from the homepage

2. Select the  Navigator menu

3. Hover over the  +  icon in the bottom right hand corner of the menu

4. Click to either Import XLSX  or  Import CSV

When importing an XLSX file, most common formatting and formulas will be supported

5. Click to choose a file from your computer and click Import

Import into new workbook

1. Navigate to the Sheet Rocks homepage
2. Hover over the
icon in the upper right corner
3. Click to either Import XLSX  or  Import CSV

When importing an XLSX file, most common formatting and formulas will be supported

4. SheetRocks will open a new workbook and ask you to upload your file

5. Choose a file from your computer and click  Import

A small note: File names with a forward slash (/) will be imported with a colon (:) instead. This will not effect the contents of the file.